
  • Conservation Voters for Idaho

    Conservation Voters for Idaho advocates for sound environmental laws and policies, holds elected officials accountable for their votes and actions, and elects pro-conservation candidates who will champion our priority issues. Being a lifelong outdoorswoman and more recently, an Idaho fishing outfitter, I am proud to announce I’ve earned the endorsement of Conservation Voters for Idaho! I am committed to protecting our abundant public lands, clean air and water, and access to the ballot box for the people of District 7 and All Idahoans. Their endorsement recognizes this commitment.


  • United Steel Workers, District 12

    Vickie aligns with USW12

    We are happy to endorse your candidacy in this race. We believe your values align with the United Steelworkers and we feel your commitment to the advancement of workers' rights makes you an ideal endorsement for our organization."

  • Teamsters Local Union 690

    St. Joseph Nurses endorse Vickie

    Teamsters local 690 (Professional Nursing staff) is officially endorsing your campaign for District 7 in the Idaho State House of Representatives, 2024. We wish you the best of luck in your campaign!

  • Lewiston Firefighters Local 1773

    Lewiston City Firefighters support Vickie

    "Your unwavering commitment to rural emergency medical services, your distinguished service as an Army nurse veteran and your advocacy for Idaho's working men and women make you an outstanding candidate for this position

Community Leaders

  • Dave Brown

    Mayor, Elk River, Idaho

    Vickie is currently running for the Idaho House of Representatives in District 7A. As Mayor of Elk River, Idaho. I fully endorse her candidacy. Vickie is an Advanced EMT on our ambulance staff and highly respected throughout the entire area


  • 3.14 Action Fund

    STEM Educators back Vickie

    We are delighted by the opportunity to endorse you in this race. You are the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math candidate in your race and we look forward to helping you win



      Community Leaders

        General Endorsements

        • Richard & Sue Scully

          Lewiston, ID

          Vickie has what it takes to be a great representative. She's smart, she listens to people and asks important questions. She's concerned about and understands the issues while consistently gain more information. Vickie is an Idaho gem ready to serve our citizens.

        • Sandi Sharp-Hayes

          Norman, OK

          I don't live in Idaho so I can't vote for Vickie. But she was my boss in a busy Emergency Department some years ago. She led us with honor and integrity. She focused on patient and staff safety and did it all with a sense of humor. Support Vickie and you will never regret it.
